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V189 | Release Notes - January 2024

Date of release: Mon 15 & Tue 16 January, 2024

Beta: Monday 8th January, 2024

Version 189 brings many more minor tweaks, improvements and additions while we prepare for the big jump to the new hosting provider and continue working on the latest version of the Dashboard. We hope to be in touch in the coming month or two to discuss the move to the new hosting provider!

Due to the holidays we will not be releasing any big new features. Whilst there's no big new feature this release, we've been doing housekeeping and working hard to tackle a lot of smaller topics. Mostly technical updates in the background that we won't bother you with, but here’s some smaller updates that stand out:

  • Added a “spinner” while moving all wishlist events to the shopping cart. When the wishlist contains a lot of events, it takes a moment to add them all to the shopping cart, since we are checking availability of all events in the list. To make sure it is clear that the process is active, we added an animated spinner to inform visitors that everything is running smoothly.
  • Fixed the order of productions in search results (future productions above productions in the past)
  • Optimization on the secure tickets flow while requesting an e-ticket access code by SMS
  • Created an “External order URL” option for themes. If you are selling all events within a theme on an external sales page, you can now link to that page directly from the “buy theme” button on the theme page.
  • Refined the event availability logic for Tixly. In some cases availability information would not be enabled in the Tixly API. For those cases we no longer default to “sold-out” but look at the event status. If event is not sold-out or cancelled, it should still be on sale.
  • Fixed creating new products in Dashboard.
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